Minggu, 11 Januari 2015

Triangulasi Method

Triangulation method to eliminate bias is done by content analysis of primary and secondary data. Those data are agregated, organized, and classified into manageable units.  Aggregation is a process of abstracting special cases into general cases to find general pattern. Data can be organized chronologically, categorically, or grouped into thypologies. Refinement and reinforcement is done after collecting all data. Data are cross checked and if there are new data the reseacher need to create new categories. This way the result will be communicative, easy to read, and clearly describing the social phenomena that makes it easy to understand all the important information.
The triangulation model records that BO said if PT.BC was closed it would have caused domino effect to other banks in the global financial crisis in 2008. In that situation it would have created systemic impact to Indonesian economic stability. BO used bank rescue theory of economic aspect ‘too big to fail’ and ‘too interconnected to fail’. SMI said that economic data indicators showed that Indonesia was in the verge of crisis. Quantitatively measured, the cost of rescuing PT BC Rp 2 Trillion was still lower than uncountable cost of losing Indonesian banking trustworthiness. JK argued that Indonesia was not in crisis in November 2008.  The USA Crisis only had minor effect to Indonesian economic. The case of PT. BC should have been taken over by the government and the deposit should be guaranteed by LPS according to its term and condition. Analyists devided between two opinions, one side said that government should not saved PT BC because it did not applied good corporate governance and had a lot of frauds (KKG and DW, 2009). Other side agreed that the bail out was proved to be right that Indonesia succeed to elude the global crisis. RT the TMT of PT BC said that the announcement of PT BC’s default was not wise. The announcement made the customer lost trust to PT BC and triggered bankrush. It was what made PT. BC default.

Indonesian economy after the bail out (see appendix .......):
1.     Indonesian index (IHSG) and Rupiah was stronger. IHSG rose from 1.100 in November 2008 to 2.500 in December 2009. Rupiah was apreciated from Rp. 12,000.- to Rp. 9,500.- in the same period ( see appendix 10).
2.     Credit default swap (CDS) of Indonesia sharply declined from 980 in November 2008 to 260 bps iin November 2009. This shows that Indonesian investing risk gets better. Yield of SUN also sharply declined in the same period. The declining yield was important to ease the burden of interest payment in APBN (see appendix 3,11)
3.     Reserve of Foreign exchange appreciated 31,21% from USD 50.18 billion in November 2008 to USD 65.84 in November 2009 (see appendix ...). this indicated the trust of foreign investor to national financial stability.
4.     SUN Foreign buying appreciated since April 2009. This indicator shows strengthening trust of foreign investor (see appendix ..)
5.     Eventough the growth Indonesian economy in 2009 declined, it was still positive and it was better by far than other countries. Income per capita also increased (see appendix ...)

Analisis data dilakukan setelah data terkumpul dimulai dengan mengagregasi, mengorganisasi, dan mengklasifikasi data menjadi uit-unit yang dapat dikelola.
Agregasi merupakan proses abstraksi hal-hal khusus menjadi hal-hal umum guna menemukan pola umum data. Data dapat diorganisasi secara kronologis, kategoris atau dimasukkan ke dalam tipologi. Analisis data dilakukan sejak peneliti di lapangan, sewaktu pengumpulan data dan setelah semua data terkumpul atau setelah selesai dari lapangan.
   Perbaikan (refinement) dilakukan setelah semua data telah terkumpul, dalam pendekatan studi kasus ini juga dilakukan penyempurnaan atau penguatan (reinforcement) data baru terhadap kategori yang telah ditemukan. Pengumpulan data  tersebut memerlukan pengecekan ulang (cross check)  ke lapangan dan barangkali harus membuat kategori baru jika data baru tidak bisa dikelompokkan ke dalam kategori yang sudah ada.
Dari sini diharapkan bahwa penulisan laporan akan lebih komunikatif, rnudah dibaca, dan mendeskripsikan suatu gejala atau kesatuan sosial secara jelas, sehingga rnernudahkan pembaca untuk mernahami seluruh informasi penting. Laporan diharapkan dapat membawa pembaca ke dalam situasi kasus kehidlupan nyata pada saat kasus tersebut terjadi.

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